Why do therapists reach out for virtual support?
Virtual support is gaining a growing following among qualified therapists of various specialities. The...
How can VR therapy help people with addictions?
Addictions are driven by the desire to find pleasure and avoid suffering. They are...
Virtual Reality in Pain Management
The unpleasant sensation of pain is an inherent part of human existence. Since pain...
Crucial aspects of diagnosing depression
Depression is a common but heterogeneous mental health disorder. Symptoms of depression may be...
How to fight depression?
Managing depression is not an easy task that requires effort. Due to the specificity...
What is worth knowing about the relationship between stroke and depression?
Cerebral stroke results from abnormalities related to cerebral circulation. In vast majority of the...
VR TierOne in the implementation of the health objectives of foundations
VR TierOne operates in medical facilities and non-governmental organizations such as foundations and associations...
Virtual therapy in psychophysical health issues
Physical health problems often affect the deterioration of our mental condition. Mental ailments, in...