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Scientific research


Basics of VR TierOne


years of scentific research

allowed us to create the virtual therapeutic story forming part of the VR TierOne.


Impact Factor points

awarded for the scientific publications that became the cornerstone for our medical device.


scientific articles

in the field of virtual therapy were analyzed in order to correctly develop the therapeutic story forming part of the VR TierOne.


work hours

allowed for the creation of a medical device, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by scientific research.

VR TierOne is a medical device with scientifically proven effectiveness. Our research objective is to find out what other groups of patients we can help. We establish cooperation with other research units and test the modern method of VR TierOne therapy.

Scientific research

Study ID

Study title

Psychophysical state

Research progress

Place of research

The Evaluation of the Efficiency of Immersive Virtual Reality Therapy as a Pulmonary Rehabilitation Supporting Method

Depression, anxiety, stress
in patients
with lung disease
in pulmonary rehabilitation


SP ZOZ MSWiA Specialist Hospital
them. St. Jan Paweł II
Karlowicza 40
48-340 Glucholazy, Poland

Immersive Virtual Therapy as a Method Supporting the Non-Farmacological Treatment of Late-Life Depression

Depression, anxiety, stress
in women 60+
in the treatment of depression
in old age


Senior Activation Foundation
Siwy Dym
Kazimierza Jagiellonczyka 8c
50-240 Wroclaw, Poland

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Immersive Virtual Reality Therapy as a Method Supporting the Cardiac Rehabilitation

Depression, anxiety, stress
in patients
with coronary artery disease
in cardiac rehabilitation


Cardiology Center
Pro Corde Sp. z o.o.
Nowowiejska 64-66/1A
52-244 Wroclaw, Poland

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the "VRTierOne" Virtual Therapeutic Game as a Method Supporting the Post-stroke Rehabilitation

Depression, anxiety, pain
in patients
after a stroke
in post-stroke rehabilitation


Upper Silesian Rehabilitation Center
them. gen. Jerzy Ziętek
Sniadeckiego 1
42-680 Tarnowskie Gory, Poland

Virtual Therapy Complementary Prehabilitation of Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer - A Pilot Study

Depression, anxiety, stress
in female patients
with breast cancer
in oncological prehabilitation


Lower Silesian Cancer Center
Breast Unit Center
pl. Hirszfeld 12
53-413 Wroclaw, Poland

Implementation of an Innovative Hospital Pulmonary Rehabilitation Based on Virtual Reality for Post-COVID-19 Patients

Depression, anxiety, stress
in patients after COVID-19
in respiratory rehabilitation


SPZOZ Specialist Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration
of St. John Paul II
ul. M. Karłowicza 40
48-340 Głuchołazy, Poland

Immersive Virtual Therapeutic Garden as a Support for Late-Life Depressive Symptoms: a Randomized Clinical Trial

Depression and anxiety
in women over 60 years of age
in the treatment of depressive symptoms


Senior Activation Foundation
Siwy Dym
Kazimierza Jagiellonczyka 8c
50-240 Wroclaw, Poland

The Evaluation of Virtual Reality Therapy Efficacy in the Treatment of Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease

Depression, anxiety and stress
in patients with coronary heart disease
during their cardiac rehabilitation


Cardiology Center
Pro Corde Sp. z o.o.
Nowowiejska 64-66/1A
52-244 Wroclaw, Poland

The conducted research proves the effectiveness of VR TierOne in reducing depression, stress and anxiety. The research also shows a positive impact of VR therapy on disease acceptance, self-efficacy in rehabilitation and reduction of pain symptoms. All our research can be found at the link below. Click it!

Research results

reduces the level of depression by 37%
(according to the GDS scale)

reduces the level of stress by 28%
(according to PSQ)

reduces the level of anxiety by 37%
(according to the HADS scale)

Research results

We are open to cooperation in the field of research on VR TierOne solution. Please write us, if you are interested in cooperation with us!