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Why do therapists reach out for virtual support?

Joanna Pidanty - July 15, 2024 - 0 comments

Virtual support is gaining a growing following among qualified therapists of various specialities. The use of VR in working with patients is driven by a desire to increase the effectiveness of the therapy provided, but not only. Supporting therapy with Virtual Reality brings positive results for the patient and benefits for the therapist. Check out the rationale behind reaching for virtual support.

Increased capacity to accommodate patients

The demand for therapy services is considerable, and the psychotherapy market in particular suffers from a shortage of specialists. An increase in the number of patients admitted by a specialist, could result in the practice losing quality and efficiency, which would be unethical, detrimental to the patient and the therapist themselves. VR is that tool that helps to increase the throughput of patient admissions, without affecting the quality of the service or overloading the therapist. An example is the use of the VR TierOne medical device. It is used to support therapy for depression, stress and anxiety using Virtual Reality. The device has an automated therapy programme preloaded, which is carried out within and through the virtual world. The therapy takes place under the guidance of a virtual therapist. Therapeutic intervention with the VR TierOne is researched, safe and has few contraindications, so it can be used among many patients with symptoms of depression, anxiety or stress. Work with a patient qualified for virtual therapy takes place stationary in an office equipped with the device. A unique advantage is that the VR TierOne does not need to be operated by a therapist, but perhaps by another trained operator. This reduces the workload, maintains continuity of patient therapy, reduces queues, and increases efficiency while still being effective.

The VR TierOne device can be operated by anyone trained to do so.

Increased satisfaction and professional development

The best therapists have their own specialisations, which is not in conflict with versatility of interest, openness to new technologies and a dose of innovation in their professional work. VR integrates very well with traditional therapeutic methods. It makes it possible to revolutionise the way therapy is delivered or simply improve it. Incorporating VR-based devices into your practice enables you to adapt to modern standards of care. It expands therapeutic competence with an innovation that fascinates and usually provides satisfaction for those on both sides of the VR goggles. An illustration of the above claims can be found in the implementation of the VR TierOne device, dealing with adverse symptoms of depression and anxiety, into the field of rehabilitation. Virtual therapy aimed at improving mental state integrates perfectly with physical therapies, improving their effectiveness. Physiotherapists use this state-of-the-art device because VR therapy achieves patient engagement, which translates into healing progress. The emerging effects are undeniably satisfying for therapists. Furthermore, as practice shows, VR and its enormous possibilities inspire therapists to research. VR stimulates professional development, as exemplified by research papers based on the potential of virtual support using the VR TierOne medical device.

Increasing innovation and competitiveness

The reason why the therapist may reach for virtual support may be, rightly also from the point of view of increasing competitiveness, enthusiasm for the latest trends and reports from the industry. Introducing advanced therapeutic solutions using Virtual Reality into the therapeutic practice is a clear signal that the therapist has up-to-date knowledge and is interested in improving the effectiveness of his/her services. The VR innovations introduced increase the value of the service. VR gives an advantage in the market because the service becomes cost-competitive with traditional interventions. VR TierOne therapy increases innovation wherever stress, anxiety and depression are present. An example of this is the inclusion of VR TierOne in the programme to combat complications after COVID-19. The interest in using new technology, incorporating it into a unique rehabilitation programme, has been recognised with awards and international acclaim. The innovative approach to treatment has helped to cope with the impact of the pandemic, but has also helped to promote the facility, maintain its leadership position and build the image of the treatment team.

VR goggles are an essential part of the VR TierOne medical device, they are what allow you to immerse yourself in a therapeutic virtual experience.

Increasing the capacity for ad hoc support

The therapist’s action is aimed at improving mental, emotional or physical health. Regardless of the type of specialist training, therapists are united by the desire to have sufficient capacity to support their patients. Expanding to include specialised equipment working with VR technology allows the power of Virtual Reality to be used in ad hoc interventions as well. VR works well for stress management, or in situations where other support is not possible due to the barriers present. Virtual VR intervention allows you to take care of a person in need of support, to look after their wellbeing and health starting with preventive measures. An example is the mobile VR TierOne GO goggles with relaxing VR 360° videos The solution is a complete product integrating VR hardware and content. It is a product ready to be used conveniently. The portable VR TierOne GO goggles have found use as a support tool in the hands of therapists (e.g. trauma, addiction, autism, elderly) and other support providers. The solution enhances the ability to support the main form of therapy, and is itself an effective tool in relaxation therapy. VR is extremely engaging, able to instantly ‘transport’ into desired circumstances that positively affect the patient’s mental and emotional state. Appropriate VR-based devices allow for effective and flexible mental health support interventions. With them, the patient can be supported in a short period of time to return to functioning in the world as quickly as possible. The advantage of the VR TierOne GO goggles is that they allow patients to calm down through individual or group VR relaxation. Virtual support is also important for maintaining the therapist’s own wellbeing. Taking advantage of the VR TierOne GO goggles in their possession helps the therapist to maintain professional calm and keep their strength to support others.

The VR TierOne GO relaxation goggles can be used for relaxation group therapy.

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