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VR TierOne in the implementation of the health objectives of foundations

Joanna Pidanty - December 18, 2023 - 0 comments

VR TierOne operates in medical facilities and non-governmental organizations such as foundations and associations that are active in the field of healthcare and social care. Thanks to the foundations’ initiatives, people in need from local communities can benefit from innovative solutions such as VR TierOne virtual therapy and relaxation with use of the VR TierOne GO headset.

Health promoting goals of the foundations

The implementation of the objectives of a foundation may be carried out by providing therapeutic services and support to their charges. Regardless of which group of people is under the wings of the organization, the overall objective is to improve their health and quality of life. Symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress are common and often co-occur with other conditions, which are a detailed area of the foundations’ activities. Solutions from VR TierOne are used in a wide area, because many people using the help of the foundation experience difficulties in coping with stress, and suffer from anxiety and depression, which are difficult to overcome without professional support.

Openness to innovation

Why do foundations reach for innovation? Because they help solve a social problem. Depression is a health problem, but also a social one. The huge demand for psychological help encourages organizations to support their activities with technology. In this way, it is possible to improve the provision of services for the health of patients and efficiently carry out their public activities. The VR TierOne medical device and VR TierOne GO mobile relaxation headset have been noticed and introduced for use in foundations dealing with: seniors (the “Siwy Dym” Foundation for the Activation of Seniors in Wrocław), people with autism (National Autism Society, Kielce Branch), people who are addicted, disabled or otherwise at risk of social exclusion (Fundacja Aktywni Obywatele, Kielce). The VR TierOne device was used in the implementation of the project of mental support for adult residents of the Wrocław district (“Światło-Otwarci na Przyszłość” Association, Wrocław). Modern therapy based on VR technology is also carried out by the “Powiemy To” Foundation from Lublin. The VR TierOne device operates in the Rehabilitation Clinic run by this Lublin foundation, which deals with the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, speech and communication disorders. Depression renders active participation in social life more difficult, and can lead to aggravation of health problems and contribute to the deterioration of the economic situation. That is why it is so important that the profile of the provided assistance includes supporting activities for the mental health of the patients. TierOne and VR TierOne GO are widely used, which can be an encouraging signal for non-governmental organizations open to innovation.

In the facility of the “Siwy Dym” Foundation in Wrocław VR TierOne serves to reduce the symptoms of depression in women over 60 years of age.
Pro-health activities using VR TierOne conducted by the “Światło-Otwarci na Przyszłość” Association in Wrocław.

Promoting knowledge

In addition to the offer of services addressed to a specific group, foundations may aim to promote knowledge about existing health care opportunities. The foundations’ activities may be based on establishing cooperation with other entities. VR TierOne cooperates with the “SeniorPlus” Foundation from Kraków, which increases public awareness of modern therapeutic solutions. The Foundation promotes innovative therapeutic solutions, including VR TierOne and the relaxing VR TierOne GO, and through educational meetings it pursues the mission of building a healthy society. Promoting knowledge and good practices in healthcare certainly serves to implement efficient solutions for patient care.

Supplementing the offer

Providing comprehensive care and the best health services is the desire of every medical facility. The Foundation has an important role in supplementing the offer of medical facilities. Using the equipment financing options available to it, it can supplement the range of services available to the public. VR TierOne was created to overcome barriers in receiving psychological support in the event of depression, anxiety and stress overload. These barriers result mainly from the shortage of psychotherapists, and thus the inability to take care of many patients, who do require it. Virtual therapy supports the treatment of mental health disorders and allows you to care for more people, who need help here and now.

The virtual VR TierOne therapy is available to the charges of the Lublin “Powiemy To” foundation.

Joint operation

We encourage non-governmental organizations (NGOs)  to achieve socially useful goals using innovative pro-health solutions of VR TierOne and VR TierOne GO. We understand the importance of bottom-up initiatives by health and social care foundations and associations. We believe that together we are able to change the quality of life of people with health problems, especially in the field of mental health care.

For more information about the devices, visit

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