„Welcome to the virtual world” – this is how the patient is welcomed by the calm voice of the therapist. A patient who, when observed from the side, looks as if he or she is enjoying himself. But what really happens is magic. The magic of difficult therapeutic work. Rehabilitation. This is VR therapy. Welcome to the virtual world of VR TierOne.
Virtual Reality (VR)
Virtual reality (VR), i.e. an image of artificial reality created with the use of IT, has altered all industries worldwide. Healthcare has become one of the biggest fields for VR applications. The technology supports surgery planning, psychotherapy, rehabilitation, pain relief, robotic surgery. It allows healthcare professionals to learn new skills, and allows you to plan treatment without putting patients at risk. It can also provide patients with therapeutic assistance within a safe environment.

VR TierOne
VR TierOne is a Polish medical device that has been created to provide support during mental and physical rehabilitation. It applies VR technology, primarily affecting the psychological aspects of the patient’s functioning, but also encouraging physical activity. Within the therapeutic cycle, during which the patient looks after the metaphorical Garden of Rebirth, a number of medical and therapeutic procedures support the process of his or her treatment and rehabilitation. The device applies the the phenomenon of so called total immersion for the therapeutic process. It isolates the patient from the conditions in which he or she lives and at the same time brings back the very good and positive memories. VR therapy has multisensory action, both in the conscious and subconscious spheres. It affects various areas of health. It motivates to treatment and rehabilitation, reduces depression and anxiety disorders, and also fosters cognitive activation. The entire therapeutic process is based on years of scientific research by eminent experts in the field of psychotherapy and physiotherapy.
VR TierOne is the innovation in medicine that we have the opportunity to witness. This is the progress we were all chasing. It’s this work as part of multidisciplinary therapeutic teams that we all dreamt of. It is the high-tech medicine that each of us can apply, whenever we need it.
Come, join our world!