Physical health problems often affect the deterioration of our mental condition. Mental ailments, in turn, can affect the health of the body. There is a two-way relationship between the state of the psyche and the physical condition. The physical ailments are sometimes the reflection of mental issues. Psychotherapy has benefits in the mental sphere, but it can also benefit the body. The virtual VR TierOne therapy is aimed at mental ailments accompanying the disease. Therapy strengthens the psyche, which in turn enables the improvement of physical abilities.
Psychophysical state
Physical health problems occur in connection with mental health problems, and this relationship also works vice versa. Sometimes it is difficult to determine what is really the cause of poor health. Physical health issues can result in a breakdown of mental health, while mental ailments carry the risk of deteriorating physical condition. Mental health problems expose us to body diseases and vice versa. Depression makes us reduce physical activity, which can lead to deterioration of general physical condition and the development of dangerous diseases. The presence of depressive symptoms is associated with a higher risk of developing, for example, cardiovascular diseases. Depression may also be associated with occurrence of a heart attack or a stroke. Depression can be the result of a disease, but also its cause.
Holistic Health
Physical and mental health are interrelated, the body works in a holistic manner, and it is in this way, that we should approach the concept of health. So why is there a division between the physical and the mental, when both aspects constitute an integral whole? Because in some cases it is possible to point to the original source of the problem or simply there are reasons for urgent intervention in a given area. If we know the cause of health problems, we can effectively deal with them. Sometimes mental problems can hide behind physical ailments, and in this case the roadmap to health can be longer. In the case of somatisation, it takes longer to discover the underlying cause and then to reach for the aid of the appropriate specialist. The recommendation of psychotherapy in body problems has its justification, although at first glance it may not seem that obvious.
Psychotherapy can offer a useful form of aid in the treatment of chronically ill patients or people who have experienced sudden changes of their health. The disease of the body has an aggravating effect on the psyche. In this difficult situation, mental strength is needed to recover from the illness. Unfortunately, somatic disorders correlate with the occurrence of depressive disorders. This further hinders recovery and return to full health. As Professor dr hab. Joanna Szczepańska-Gieracha points out: “Our psyche has great power, and it can either support us in the physiotherapy process or it can not participate in it, then the patient becomes passive.” Mental state has a real impact on the course of somatic diseases. It is not without reason that psychotherapy is recommended in the comprehensive rehabilitation of people after a heart attack, stroke, with oncologic diseases, or in the course of pulmonary diseases. It is worth reaching for specialist help when you need to strengthen your mental abilities to cope with a situation of illness or loss of fitness. Psychotherapy helps to overcome anxiety, helplessness and suffering.
Virtual therapy
The VR Tier One virtual therapy was created with persons with coexisting depression, anxiety and stress in mind. Virtual psychotherapeutic interaction is carried out using the VR TierOne medical device, it can offer an alternative to traditional psychotherapy as a way to support the patient. The therapeutic cycle conducted in an immersive virtual environment allows you to improve mood, reduce stress, depressive and anxiety symptoms accompanying the disease and hospitalization. It is utmost importance for a successful rehabilitation process that a passive patient receives psychological support. The presence of depression leads to neglect of one’s own health, and thus it is linked with the risk of slowing down recovery. An apathetic patient, deprived of energy and motivation, will not fully use the time of rehabilitation and will remain in the role of the patient for longer. Without appropriate psychotherapeutic assistance, recovery based on cooperation with doctors and rehabilitators is not possible, at least not to a satisfactory extent. Virtual therapy helps reduce the adverse symptoms of the mental sphere commonly associated with somatic diseases. It supports and directs the patient’s strength to actions needed for health. Persons using VR TierOne iexperience positive changes. The involvement and understanding for their role in the process of improvement increases, the sense of stress, helplessness and anxiety decrease. Benefits in the mental zone translate into benefits in the physical zone and into achieving better results in this area.