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Motivation deficiency in depression. Why is it so dangerous?

Joanna Pidanty - August 12, 2022 - 0 comments

Motivation is the source of our actions. Although it is an abstract concept and cannot be observed, its presence can be verified using actions and efficiency in achieving of objectives. The stimulation to action provided by motivation manifests itself in an activity that aims to satisfy our needs and desires. We act because we want to gain something, prevent something or avoid something. Depression is manifested by indifference, lack of will and purpose. Dangerous passivity emerges along with the lack of motivation.

The dangerous lack of motivation

Symptoms of depression affect human functioning. Lack of motivation threatens neglecting many aspects of everyday life, which in turn contributes to the deterioration of mood and health. Sometimes it is apparent that the patients are apathetic, downbeat. The passive attitude results in a decrease in the quality of life and aggravation of disease symptoms. Many of the layered issues generated during the period of depressive inactivity may turn out to be unmanageable alone. That is why it is so difficult for the patient to get out of depression on their own. Expert aid is required to improve the mood and, what is equally important, to support the motivation for life. Psychotherapy offers such a help.

What motivates for action?

In each person, the stimuli for action depend on the individual composition of their needs, desires, and life experiences. Also on personality traits. Rewards that can be obtained for the performance of tasks, i.e. positive motivation based on positive feedback can constitute external motivation. As part of external motivation, there is also a negative motivation based on a system penalties. The strongest motivation is the intrinsic motivation, in which action stems of our own volition, without external rewards, when action in itself is pleasure.

Patients devoid of motivation

The motivation deficit poses a threat to the effectiveness of undertaken treatment and rehabilitation. Symptoms of depression such as: apathy, feeling of inability, lack of willingness to act, lack of interest in one’s own health do not allow to undertake the necessary cooperation with doctors. How to make a depressed person move? This is literally the problem the rehabilitators, working with patients suffering from disability and with symptoms of depression, face. The phenomenon of correlation of depression with somatic diseases is common and requires their simultaneous treatment. If depression is suspected, the patient should be referred to a mental health specialist.

Lack of motivation and increased fatigue render it difficult to rehabilitate a depressed patient.

Motivational campaign

The path to improvement is sometimes long and requires perseverance and strong commitment on the part of the patient. The patients must be supported in order to give as much as possible from themselves during rehabilitation. How to take care of mental health and increase the patient’s motivation when a psychotherapist is not available? Virtual depression therapy offers a noteworthy solution. The VR TierOne medical device, thanks to which the therapy is carried out, can be operated by rehabilitators. Therapeutic sessions take place in the nourishing space of the virtual Garden of Rebirth. The mood of the patients improves and their strength is boosted. They’re ready to take action. The patients gradually discover a causal relationship between their health situation and the level of their activity. The patients participating in the therapy sessions begin to understand that they are co-responsible for their health. When performing tasks in the virtual Garden, the patients quickly notice the positive effects of their activity. The therapy is based on positive motivation, on positive reinforcement, kindness shown by the therapist, who guides the patient in the virtual space with his soothing voice. Thanks to VR TierOne, the patients improve their moods, feel willingness and express readiness to exercise. The reinforced patients begin to follow the orders related to their health. The therapy is carried out with use of the VR TierOne medical device, and its effectiveness in reducing the symptoms of depression is 37%. The obtained improvement of mental state and increase in motivation allow the patients to make efforts for their physical health and to achieve rehabilitation objectives.

VR TierOne therapy restores motivation to rehabilitate, that is necessary for health.

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