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How to fight depression?

Joanna Pidanty - February 21, 2024 - 0 comments

Managing depression is not an easy task that requires effort. Due to the specificity of the symptoms of depression, such a decrease in energy and motivation, the affected person may not be able to help themselves sufficiently. To effectively fight depression, professional help is required, in order to promote self-care mechanisms important for overcoming depression. Struggling with depression is a struggle with symptoms, a fight for health and life, which should not take place without support.


The term “depression” is sometimes misused, and self-diagnosis, although it may give us a clue, requires consultation. A diagnosis of depression can be the beginning of a fight. Naming the problem is an important step in recognizing that action is required. Unfortunately, in the case of depression, patients are reluctant to take it. Depressive pessimism prevents us from believing that the fight makes sense and the treatment can be successful. Encouraging a person with alarming symptoms to cross the threshold of a practice, even for the purpose of diagnosis itself, can be a challenge. Nevertheless, it is necessary to encourage people to seek support, offer our willingness to accompany them in the fight for their health.


Conversations may provide aid in depression, at every stage of fight with it. Talking to a depressed person can be based largely on listening and creating conditions for verbalizing thoughts and feelings. The conversation allows for a better understanding of the situation, but it must be tactful, without judging and invalidating the speaker’s emotions. A depressed person has low self-esteem, which requires caution in conversation. Depression, however, usually pulls us away from anything that can help us get out of it. Depressed people often isolate themselves, avoid conversations and contacts with people, which deepens the feeling of loneliness, helplessness and suffering. Ensuring that you are ready to listen, that you stand next to is very important for the person experiencing difficulties. It should be emphasized that despite the best intentions, talking to a loved one is not a substitute for contact with a therapist, although it may encourage them to initiate therapy.

A depressed person needs conversation, but may not be able to initiate it on their own.


Some 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, and this number is growing (approximate data for 2023, it must be remembered that this number includes only diagnosed people, the actual number of people suffering from depression may be higher). This stimulates social awareness and the need for knowledge about depression and ways to fight it. When you come into contact with a loved one’s depression, it ceases to be a problem that people face somewhere else in the world. It becomes a personal, family, existing and closely lived problem, and then the craving for knowledge and solutions becomes strong. The available knowledge allows you to understand this disease. Expanding knowledge about depression, about effective methods of therapy, leads to better support for people suffering from it. Education and dissemination of knowledge about mental disorders are addressed by campaigns devoted to mental health, e.g. the World Mental Health Day (10 October) or the National Day for Combating Depression (23 February).


The time to overcome depression depends, among others, on the severity of symptoms or the selected therapeutic method. One should give oneself the time to overcome depression. Fighting depression is work, regaining a healthy mental balance requires effort and regularity in action. And you will have to wait patiently for the effects of the treatment. Premature discontinuation of treatment may be prevented by joining support groups. Discontinued treatment carries a higher risk of recurrence. In the first episode of depression, the required treatment is usually shorter than in the subsequent one. Untreated depression can lead to health and life complications. Therefore, we should not remain passive when depression occurs. Taking action, step by step, as far as possible, is better than doing nothing to get out of the morass. Once a person with depressive symptoms puts up a fight against them, the risk of depressive episodes in the future decreases. In this fight, we can learn self-observation and acquire an arsenal of ways to counteract depression.


Knowledge about the disease, appropriate conversation can initiate treatment, i.e. the essence of the fight against depression. Psychotherapy may be sufficient for mild to moderate cases of depression. Working at the level of the mind with a psychotherapist gives emotional support, builds self-awareness and triggers the necessary change. Psychotherapeutic impact allows us to develop coping skills. The process of psychotherapy can be metaphorically called the trampling of new paths along which the patient will begin to move, without falling into pits. In fact, psychotherapy prevents the recurrence of depression. Therapy is traditionally conducted in specialized practices. Technological progress and high demand have meant that the provision of psychotherapy also takes place in the form of online meetings. The VR TierOne medical device provides a modern support for fighting depression in form of virtual therapy. VR psychotherapy is a modern and effective method useful in the treatment of depression, but also anxiety and stress. When looking for solutions, it is worth knowing about it and being aware of new treatment options. Reaching for alternative therapies is especially advisable in circumstances of difficult access to a traditional therapeutic session or the presence of other barriers in reaching for professional help.

Depression therapy with use of VR? This becomes possible with the VR TierOne medical device.


The fight against depression does not always mean a therapeutic process involving drugs, but there are situations in which pharmacotherapy should be included. Medication may be recommended in parallel with psychotherapy. The causes of depression are diverse, so the treatment can also be versatile. The choice of treatment is decided by a specialist – the pharmacological treatment of depression must be prescribed by a psychiatrist. If antidepressants are required and prescribed, they should be used as indicated. Here, as in psychotherapy, time is of essence. Pharmacotherapy helps to level the mood, reduces adverse symptoms and may facilitate the undertaking of psychotherapeutic work.


Relaxation is a complement to the fight against depression, it can be a defense against the occurrence of depressive symptoms. Overstimulation, chronic stress may be related to their appearance. Relaxation is used to improve well-being, reduce stress and help you fall asleep. Cumulative stress increases the need for relaxation, while at the same time increasing difficulties in entering the state of relaxation on your own. Regular relaxation practice improves and restores balance. It is worth supporting the relaxation process. Full relaxation and complete peace can be achieved with the VR TierOne GO relaxation headset. Virtual relaxation guided by the voice makes it easy to stop in the moment, in a safe and pleasant environment of the VR world.

The VR TierOne GO virtual relaxation headset supports in the fight for well-being.

Self care

In order to fight depression, you need to act persistently. This will be possible with the support received. A patient reinforced by professional care, who begins to experience improvement is more cooperative and aware of the importance of taking care of themselves on a daily basis. Self-care consists in: continuing therapy, following the doctor’s orders, undertaking physical activity, diligence in nutrition, cultivating relationships and rest. Better mood, regaining interest, activity and changing the way of thinking, which results in better life functioning, are all signs of the fight being gradually won. Remember, with the right help, the fight against depression can be won!

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