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1. What is stress?

Stress is the reaction of our body to events disturbing its balance. The physiological response in stress puts the body at the highest alert. Short-term stress can have a positive, mobilizing nature. Prolonged stress is bad for our mental and physical health. It can cause psychosomatic diseases.

2. What are stressors?

Stressors are factors that cause stress, in other words, they are the sources of stress. A stressor may be a situation or a stimulus of both external and internal origin. Stressors can be divided into physical (e.g. temperature fluctuations), mental (e.g. haste) and social (e.g. isolation). Stressors can also be presented in the categories of cataclysms (e.g. war), personal stressors (e.g. loss of work) and secondary stressors (e.g. noise).

3. What are the physical symptoms of stress?

Stress triggers a cascade of physiological reactions aimed at mobilizing the energy stored in our body. Symptoms of stress response in the physical sphere are unpleasant and easy to notice, there appears:

  • increased sweating (sweaty hands),
  • rapid breathing,
  • accelerated heart rate,
  • pupil dilation,
  • skin paleness,
  • red spots on the skin of the face, neck and cleavage,
  • increase in muscle tension (clenching of teeth),
  • abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting,
  • difficulty swallowing,
  • dry mouth,
  • muscle twitching,
  • dizziness and fainting.

4. Can stress be dangerous to health?

We need stress to live, although it must come in the right amount. The optimal level of stress stimulates action, can be constructive and support our development. Eustress is the good type of stress, it lasts for a short time, inspires and motivates, works in our favour. However, stress that lasts too long, is too intense, or too frequent, has health-hazardous consequences. Distress is a negative type of stress that is associated with overloading the body. Chronic stress has adverse health consequences and is associated with the risk of psychosomatic diseases.

5. What can be the consequences of chronic stress?

Long-term stress can contribute to the appearance and worsening of physical, mental and emotional disorders. Chronic stress leads to:

  • high blood pressure,
  • atherosclerotic lesions,
  • coronary artery disease,
  • stroke,
  • myocardial infarction,
  • arrhythmia,
  • gastrointestinal disorders,
  • headache, back and chest pain,
  • decreased immunity (frequent infections, allergies),
  • increased incidence of cancer,
  • increasing the risk of type 2 diabetes,
  • impaired concentration,
  • anxiety disorders,
  • irritability,
  • impatience,
  • insomnia,
  • excessive hair loss,
  • skin diseases,
  • weight fluctuations,
  • decrease in libido,
  • increase in aggression,
  • increasing the risk of addiction,
  • depression and worsening of well-being,
  • reduction of work efficiency,
  • occupational burnout,
  • physical and mental fatigue,
  • increased risk of death and risk of suicide

6. How to cope with excessive stress?

There are ways to help you cope with excessive stress and counteract its adverse effects. Regularly practiced, they restore the psychophysical balance. The ways to relieve stress are:

  • relaxation in the virtual environment of VR TierOne GO,
  • relaxation, respiratory, mindfulness techniques,
  • colouring anti-stress colouring pages,
  • physical activity that gives us pleasure,
  • contact with nature – walks, work in the garden,
  • pursuing our hobbies,
  • keeping a diary,
  • positive social ties,
  • lifestyle changes,
  • proper diet,
  • adequate amount of sleep,
  • avoiding stimulants,
  • changes in the way we think,
  • aromatherapy,
  • music therapy,
  • VR TierOne therapy,
  • assistance of a psychotherapist.