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1. What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a disease caused by the Wuhan coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2). Previously, the disease had no proper name, and terms such as “coronavirus disease” or “illness due to Wuhan coronavirus” were applied to describe it. The term COVID-19 was proclaimed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and is now official.

2. What's the difference between COVID-19 and the Coronavirus?

The difference between the coronavirus and COVID-19 is that the coronavirus is the causative agent of the disease and COVID-19 is the disease, that is, a set of symptoms triggered by this factor.

3. What are the symptoms of COVID-19?

Patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection experienced symptoms of respiratory infection, such as:

  • fever (in excess of 38 degrees centigrade),
  • cough (rather dry),
  • dyspnoea.

Common symptoms also included muscle pain, and less frequently confusion, headache, sore throat, productive (or “wet”) cough, and hemoptysis. In some patients the characteristic symptom is a sudden loss of smell and taste.

4. When do the first symptoms appear?

Symptoms usually appeared between 2 and 14 days following contraction. Symptoms are mild at first and become more severe over time.

5. Can COVID-19 trigger neurological symptoms?

A June research review demonstrated that ca. 50 percent of people hospitalized due to the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus infection develop neurological symptoms – vertigo, difficulty concentrating, strokes and weakness.

6. Does the COVID-19 affect mental health?

During a pandemic, fear and depression increase, and the feeling of anxiety increases. It comes as no surprise that in current epidemiological situation numerous states report higher than usual levels od anxiety and depression.

7. Can VR TierOne help patients recovering after COVID-19?

Yes, of course. Especially if these patients are in a bad mental conditions, they suffer from anxiety or depressive states, following their COVID-19 recovery.

8. Is that only the COVID-19 patients, who can use the VR TierOne device?

The VR TierOne device is very helpful for all people who struggle with psychological problems or with significantly depressed mood and depression in the course of somatic diseases, not solely following COVID-19 infections.

9. Is it safe to use VR TierOne medical equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic?

The VR TierOne device is very helpful for all people who struggle with psychological problems or with significantly depressed mood and depression in the course of somatic diseases, not solely following COVID-19 infections.