1. What is anxiety?
Anxiety is a strong emotional arousal, experienced both on the mental and the physical level. It is an unpleasant experience resulting from the belief in a situation that is threatening us. Relaxation helps to deal with exhausting anxiety.
2. What are anxiety disorders?
We talk about anxiety disorders when there is too much fear and anxiety and it is disproportionate to the circumstances, causing suffering and paralysing human functioning in important areas of life. Anxiety disorders are not a homogeneous group of disorders. In the current ICD-10 classification, they belonged to the group of neurotic disorders, in the latest version of the ICD-11 International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Health Problems, the term “neurotic disorders” was abandoned in favour of the term “anxiety disorders”.
3. Are anxiety disorders common?
Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental health disorders in the world. It is estimated that nearly 300 million people suffer from anxiety. The most common disorder is the generalized anxiety disorder.
4. Are fear and anxiety the same?
Although the two concepts are often used interchangeably, they are different from each other. Fear can act as a protective agent, while anxiety can be paralyzing and destructive. The source of anxiety can be difficult to identify and the anxiety itself difficult to control.