The unfavorable influence of detrimental mental states on the treatment and rehabilitation process prompts us to look for a solution that will take care of the patients’ psyche and thus accelerate their recovery. We are pleased to offer you the ready-made, innovative VR TierOne device dedicated to the therapy of depression, anxiety and stress disorders. We are convinced that the VR TierOne medical device will meet the expectations of your patients and medical staff, bringing relief from mental suffering, anxiety and stress.
Perhaps you are fascinated by modern medical solutions or have other reasons to be interested in the VR TierOne device, which supports mental health using Virtual Reality technology. Regardless of your knowledge about our solution, we list 10 reasons why it is worth having technologically advanced therapeutic assistance in the form of a VR TierOne device and use the innovative support offered.
1. Broad range of applications
Depressive, anxiety and stress disorders are particularly common in hospitalized patients and seniors, but the above-mentioned conditions also affect professionally active people to a large extent. VR TierOne was created to support mental health, accelerate the remission of depression symptoms and prevent its recurrence. The supported participant of virtual therapy has a chance to regain well-being and motivation. Better mental condition allows you to take up the health challenge and strive for better health and life. VR TierOne therapy can be used in the psychophysical rehabilitation of patients in depression, after stroke, heart attack and COVID-19, and nursing home residents. It will also be effective for employees whose mental well-being is threatened with stress and burnout, as well as for all those who, who despite their relative health, wish to take care of their well-being. Therapy with the VR TierOne device has broad scope of applications because, relying on Erickson’s therapeutic techniques, it focuses not so much on the disease as on mental strength. It helps to bring out the mental strength hidden in each participant of the therapy.
2. Changes the environment to a favourable one
Hospitalization is a highly stressful experience associated with staying in a strange and hostile environment. Hospitalization means loss of privacy and a reduction in contact with one’s supportive environment. VR TierOne allows the patients to change their environment to a favourable one, without having to leave the place of their stay. Changing the environment can bring about a positive change in the approach to one’s own problem. Immersing yourself in a carefully created virtual space, communing with the beauty of the therapeutic Garden of Rebirh gives us a sense of security and improving our well-being. The comfort of being in a private space makes it possible for the patients to separate themselves from participation in the misery of other patients. Participants of VR TierOne therapy, cut off from external visual and auditory distractors, experience immersion in the world presented to them. They focus their attention on therapeutic narrative, music and the surrounding virtual environment.
3. Accelerates recovery
Sudden loss of health entails the necessity to redefine one’s abilities and needs and poses the challenge of making changes in the current lifestyle. Symptoms of depression accompanying somatic diseases become a burden that prevents independent functioning, recovery and professional activity. Lack of energy, sadness, apathy and negative attitude to one’s own health condition, purposefulness of medical interventions, and rehabilitation delay the effects of treatment. VR TierOne therapy allows the patients to understand their own health condition, and change their attitudes towards treatment and life.Patients who are positively strengthened by VR TierOne therapy initiate cooperation faster, and their better well-being promotes recovery and shorter stays in medical facilities.
4. Motivation for the patient
Somatic diseases are conducive to the appearance of depressive symptoms, which render it difficult for the patients to take action to improve their health. Depression, stress and anxiety prevent patients from assuiming responsibility for their own health. Poor mental state adversely affects cooperation with medical staff and prevents patients from fully benefiting from the treatment and rehabilitation, when specialists are available. Apathy inhibits the patients from being active, and the lack of motivation may result in a decision to abandon treatment. For both reasons, the continuation of rehabilitation may be at risk of the patients’ resignation. VR TierOne therapy brings out the patients’ strengths and activates them. With every therapeutic session, the patients’ belief in their own causative power grows, and so does their willingness to continue therapy in the real world. VR TierOne therapy is particularly important in maintaining motivation in long-term rehabilitation, when it is necessary to maintain the patients’ commitment to recovery.
5. It improves cognitive functions
Cognitive functions weakened in the result of the disease prevent patients from returning to life activity. Depression exacerbates cognitive impairment, which is why it is difficult for the patients to cope with everyday life. Cognitive dysfunctions may persist longer than other symptoms, as exemplified by persistent brain fog after COVID-19. With the help of VR TierOne, we can activate the cognitive aspects of the patients’ functioning, at the same time eliminating other symptoms of depression. Improvement of cognitive functions takes place by performing tasks in a virtual space, which itself also provides stimulation of the senses. Temporary deterioration of thinking, memory, concentration and attention abilities recorded in COVID-19, stroke and depression can all be improved with the use of VR TierOne virtual therapy.
6. Lowers the stress levels
Strong or chronic stress reduces immunity and promotes severity and incidence of diseases of affluence. The experience of disease is also a source of stress. Stress precedes issues with the immune system, the hormonal balance and the nervous system. In excess, it threatens human health and proper functioning, therefore, as an undesirable phenomenon, it should be reduced to a minimum. VR TierOne Virtual Therapy helps manage stress thanks to the soothing voice of the virtual therapist, music therapy soundtrack, images and tension-reducing colouring activities. The therapeutic cycle enriched with a dedicated therapy diary in the form of a therapeutic colouring book increase the emotional self-awareness of the therapy participants. VR TierOne therapeutic sessions can be conducted to prevent stress-related diseases, including heart attack and depression. The conducted research proves that VR TierOne reduces the stress level by 28% (according to PSQ).
7. It lowers the level of depression
Depression is a serious condition that necessitates treatment, although not always pharmacological treatment. Psychotherapy will also be effective in case of mild and moderate depression. The psychotherapist’s skills necessary for this may, however, be beyond the patients’ reach. Circumstances such as the unavailability of a psychotherapist in the area, extensive waiting times costs prevent and discourage the use of a specialist’s help. Therapy should take place as soon as possible after detecting disturbing symptoms, because quick intervention gives us the opportunity to use the therapeutic window, which is of particular importance in the treatment of diseases accompanying depression. VR TierOne therapy should be available to patients after stroke, heart attack, COVID-19 while they are still in a medical facility. When a somatic disease coexists with depression, the reduced will to fight makes a complete recovery more difficult. Symptoms of depression tend to go away spontaneously, but also to recur. Failure to take treatment condemns the patients, in many respects, to long-term dysfunction and carries the risk of the emergence and worsening of existing physical conditions. VR TierOne therapy can be performed without waiting for a free appointment with a specialist. The mental condition of patients is more likely to deteriorate in particular, when they are hospitalized due to a severe condition. VR TierOne allows us to temporarily support the patients and strengthen thei psyche. A short VR TierOne therapeutic cycle can reduce the level of depression by 37% (according to scientific research based on the GDS scale).
8. Reduces anxiety levels
Anxiety usually accompanies depression and has a negative impact on human functioning. Similar to depression, it requires treatment in the form of psychotherapy or, in more severe cases, pharmacotherapy. Anxiety threatens the proper functioning of the heart, therefore reducing anxiety is indicated in heart attack prophylaxis. Relaxation techniques are helpful in reducing anxiety. Treatment of anxiety can take place in a modern way, in a virtual environment. VR TierOne offers a therapy, each element of which is conducive to relaxation and reduction of anxiety. The tasks awaiting the patient along with the visual layer of the virtual world and a specially composed musical to complete the image, support the therapeutic effect of the story told by the therapist. During the session, the participants experience calmness, a drop in tension and anxiety. The results of our scientific research indicate that VR TierOne reduces the severity of anxiety symptoms by 37% (according to the HADS scale).
9. It allows forgetting about pain
The pain suffered reduces the comfort and takes away the joy of life. The sources of physical pain include serious somatic disease, but also a psyche burdened with excessive stress or depression that takes on a mask of pain. VR TierOne immersion therapy reduces the experience of pain in a non-pharmacological way. The relaxing effect of therapy brings relaxation and allows to focus on the present moment. During an immersive therapy session, attention is distracted from suffering and pain is relieved. The users of VR TierOne therapy feel better, and the improved mood increases their pain tolerance threshold.
10. Improves the quality of healthcare
High-quality healthcare is one that holds efficient resources to deliver the expected results in treatment and is consistent with current professional knowledge. Treatment detached from the holistic view of the human being, limited to the underlying disease, does not meet the conditions of high-quality healthcare. Leaving a patient with mood disorders without adequate support results in a worse prognosis, increasing the costs of health services. The modern VR TierOne solution enables therapeutic intervention, improving the mental condition of patients in a difficult health situations, at any place and at any time. Therapy with the use of the VR TierOne device increases satisfaction of patients with the quality of healthcare, and enables the staff to work effectively, bringing satisfaction from the provision of state of the art health services.